January 21, 2009

Hats of to Patriotism

I was up late watching the swearing-in-ceremony of President Barack Obama. His inaugural speech was marvelous even if it was written by someone else...He delivered impeccably. The first ever African-American president of the USA. A first of many, first time black President of the United States of America. Let’s hope it’s all for the good.

The grandeur of the ceremony could have been curtailed in this time of recession was my initial opinion but now I think it’s was worth the magnificence. I realize, in our country, most politicians are corrupt because they are under-paid and not given the dues of a leader. In the International system not only are you paid well but you are welcomed in such a fashion that you will want to thrive to prove yr mettle. The welcoming and swearing in was focal and of great magnitude. Top American Soul singer Franklin sang songs, followed by swearing in of President and Vice-president.

The grand luncheon followed which incidentally was the mostvisited link on the presidential election page. Amusing. In the open-air seating area, the cold was a chilling 21f. Old people, aspiring young people, people on wheelchairs all thronged to be a part of the greatest ceremony that comes once every 4 years. Obama followers, America lovers, all braved the weather and cheered on. Their love for the country is what makes America.

Would I do it? I doubt. I blame myself for being a reckless citizen but it was never driven into me to be proud of our country because over 50% of the population including me unhappy with our judiciary, political, governmental scenario. There have to be reason to feel proud. I felt so very proud of what I encountered at the Wagah Border in Amritsar and I know the reasons perfectly. It did not stem out of the fact that the soldiers and border security forces looked great and looked well-dressed. I was in awe of them because they put that faith in me that they are our protectors or armament, they gave that air of chewing up the GREEN enemies alive across the border.

We need to believe in our people for that respect to come. Today I am a fan of Major Unnikrishnan and not some of the famous names looming around the vital seats in the parliament for the same reasons. We need to respect our leaders even if we belong to another political party. Leaders make a country but in our case our country chooses all the wrong leaders for all the wrong reasons.

This situation of guilt affects me. I as an individual would love to get out of my country for better prospects and right now I’m feeling guilty of feeling this way but will it change my opinion? No. Our country leaders have done nothing to grow fondness. It does not come in one day, it needs to be nurtured. I almost thought I was apolitical but I am greatly affected by another country’s deeds, why couldn’t we be as serious, as enthusiastic as any other country’s union, and feel proud about our doings?

Over 1 Million little American flags sold in one day? Not even 100000 flags are sold in a single city during our independence day. Why? Highlight and the tender moment was when President Obama had taken daughters, Malia and Sasha to the Lincoln Memorial a few nights ago, where they looked at the statue, and read Lincoln’s second inaugural address inscribed on the wall to which Obama’s younger daughter Sasha asked if her Dad’s speech was going to be as long to which her sister Malia, 10, replied, 'First African-American president, better be good’. Awareness from inception is what we need to imbibe.


Anonymous said...

Hats of to you. Brutally honest!

- Kabir

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. You inspire me to put fingers the keyboard too. Keep typing. And slowly but surely india will change.
