July 27, 2007

Louvre, Paris

The first thing that caught my eye as I entered Louvre was that the only arrow and direction board to the entire gallery of the paintings was a Mona Lisa mention. Amazing. I walked with baited breath to catch a glimpse of the surround-eye lady and the walk seemed long through huge paintings hanging on either side and if you noticed the ceiling you would find angel-men with wings ready to fall on you any moment......

Finally after 2 or 3 turns and long corridors I saw a crowd and I knew she was there. The ONLY painting paneled by glass with a guard keeping eye on it. I pushed my way through the crowd forgetting all my recently-acquired-European manners and stood beside the lady on the canvas and just looked on. Mona Lisa was probably one of the smallest paintings in that particular hall with the maximum onlookers. I felt like I reached the destination - 18th July 2007.

My reaction was of utter amazement firstly because I was actually in Louvre looking on at Mona Lisa and then it was of multiple reactions and speculations on whether Leonardo da Vinci ever envisaged that his Mona Lisa would be such a hit.. Finally it hit upon me as to why France was taking such pride in keeping Mona Lisa in Louvre when it actually belonged to Italy. The huge paintings were intriguing too especially when I noticed that some took over 10 years to finish. I wondered whether the painting was what the person envisioned when he started 10 years ago...quiet a lot to think if you asked me.

A place to visit for sure!!


Anonymous said...

The Louvre was really nice, but don't you think it was something else more than JUST the paintings, that made the place vibrant? Visitors from all walks of life, from perhaps every continent and the sheer anticipation on their faces as they all walked in and about appreciating such magnificent paintings including the dim unitive Monalisa. I am glad that I was able to appreciate the paintings and share this once in a lifetime experience with you :-)Oh and before I forget, THANKS for buying my ticket :-)

What next Paps? Perhaps, Machu Picchu - what say ?:)

Santosh said...

Frankly I found Mona Lisa a little disappointing. Rest of the Louvre (or whatever I could see in the few hours I was there) was absolutely fascinating!